Monday, October 28, 2013

Juice Response

When reading “Juice” you can't help to feel you are encountering something very intimate. And what feels at first as a document of self discovery, leads itself to become a play on the essential idea of discovering, of wondering and reaching for meaning, without the necessity of achievement. Gladman's language is powerfully unique, for it pronounces itself conversationally, yet is still buoyant in its philosophical games and acts of deconstructing through time-jumbling and non-linear associations. Emotionally, this story brings you into its poetry, its softness, and its deliberate reassembling of its narrative, artfully enough to give back a reflection of how you can fit meaningfully within its spacing.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Fiction Post

Fiction: I have not really understood the stories that we have read. The story about the interns was very confusing and I felt somewhat lost when I was reading it. I feel that reading these stories are good to learn from for someone like me who has not really had experience in reading fiction or writing fiction. 

I have had little past experience with writing fiction. I had to very little in high school and I don't know where to start. I would like to start to learn how to write fiction. The things that make it fiction and what does not make it fiction. I have really struggled with writing in general and would like to learn more about it all. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

City Eclogue #2

In the poem Simple As One Two, the first line speaks to me. "Who having put on the disguise of a disease to get little relief of a day or so." It says to me that that people but on a mask or disguise to protect the people they love from feeling the pain of a disease that they may have. People do this naturally to make sure that they only feel the pain and it wont bother anyone else. I have experienced this myself with my aunt., She had breast cancer and she seemed so happy. She put up a front to make sure that the family wouldn't be bothered with the pain that was feeling. It made me feel like she helpless and needed help more then ever.

The next line says "and not been able to get the minute off him to enjoy the naked hour out of costume out of the shell of he office." This to me says that all they want to do is stop wearing the mask that they put up. They want to live a "naked hour" to get away from the role that they have playing for a while. It can strain someone in so many ways to pretend to be something they are not.

"Enters back cramped in to crab crap the worse disease to have to." This says that they enter back into the shell that they have created. So all in all they create this shell and then want to get out of it for an hour or something and then enter back into it. This is a cycle that these people create to avoid pain and to avoid the fact that they have a certain disease. It cant be changed. I really liked this poem!